Conference Season
Spring is here and that means Conference season is here with it! Allegheny County’s grassroots volunteer group, the Allegheny County Coalition for Recovery (ACCR), is hard at work strengthening their membership and presence in the community. The most effective way to do this has been showing up to conferences and events in Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas. ACCR has several key areas they shine a light on as it relates to wellness, mental...
Read MoreACCR Wellness Month Collage
On October 6th, Cyndie Spanier, Co-chair of the ACCR steering committee and member of the Quality Improvement committee, and Saralynn Kramm, Co- chair of the Quality Improvement Committee, attended the 13th annual NAMI walk held at Monroeville Community Park West and promoted ACCR by sponsoring a table. The table included brochures, pamphlets, flyers and various other promotional items. We had a sign- up sheet for attendees that perhaps were...
Read MoreNovember 6 is International Stress Awareness Day
Self-Care is Important It might sound silly, but self-care is imperative for people to be successful at anything. If we are not taking care of ourselves, then we are less able to take care of important things in our lives, like our work and finances. In light of the upcoming holiday season, and the heightened stress levels that this causes many of us, we at Peerlink would like to provide you with some free and inexpensive ways that you can...
Read MoreHealthy In All Ways
The Child and Family Committee, Project LAUNCH, and Pitt’s Office of Child Development worked together to help families and providers alike recognize the importance of addressing children’s emotional well-being. Approximately 200 Allegheny County providers and agencies have allowed our posters to be displayed....
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